Research Projects

Current Projects

VAMPIRE: Vascular Assessment and Measurement Platform for Images of the REtina.

VAMPIRE: Vascular Assessment and Measurement Platform for Images of the REtina.

Augmenting Communication using Environmental data to drive Language Prediction

Augmenting Communication using Environmental data to drive Language Prediction

Deep Learning for Skin Lesion Classification

Deep Learning for Skin Lesion Classification

INSPIRED: INdia-Scotland Partnership for pRecision mEdicine in Diabetes

INSPIRED: INdia-Scotland Partnership for pRecision mEdicine in Diabetes



Earlier Projects

Automated Screening for Pig Pathologies at Abattoir

Automated Screening for Pig Pathologies at Abattoir

CARMEN: cardiovascular biomarkers from wide-field-of-view retinal scans

CARMEN: cardiovascular biomarkers from wide-field-of-view retinal scans

Detection of ischemia in ultra-wide-field-of-view retinal fluorescein angiograms

Detection of ischemia in ultra-wide-field-of-view retinal fluorescein angiograms

Automated Analysis of Breast Tissue Microarray Images

Automated Analysis of Breast Tissue Microarray Images

Optical Projection Tomography of Colorectal Polyps

Optical Projection Tomography of Colorectal Polyps

Nanomorphomics: Analysis of Electron Micrographs

Nanomorphomics: Analysis of Electron Micrographs

CODIR: novel robotic hydrocolonoscopy

CODIR: novel robotic hydrocolonoscopy

Detection of arterial stenosis in whole-body magnetic resonance angiographic data (WBMRA)

Detection of arterial stenosis in whole-body magnetic resonance angiographic data (WBMRA)

Multi-modal Recognition of Food Preparation Activities for Situational Support Systems

Multi-modal Recognition of Food Preparation Activities for Situational Support Systems

FABRIC: Content-based image browsing

FABRIC: Content-based image browsing